

This shit be everywhere

Yeah, that's the title of a new series I'm calling THIS SHIT BE EVERYWHERE.

When I say "shit" I mean design trends.

When I say "everywhere" I mean blogs, pinterest, your face, internets, etc.

I'll start with my favorite: THE MOROCCAN 
POUF. They are super cute. And they add an INTERNATIONAL flava to your crib. Every blog I look at features a Moroccon pouf, as if they all shop at the same store. But do you think people in Morocco are siting on $200+ poufs? Let's think about that for one second. 


  1. Can we please discuss what you're supposed to do with the poufs? You obviously can sit on them. My cat would destroy them and my husband would throw them out.

    Good find.

  2. You are brilliant, i have been perplexed by these poufs for some time now! Saw a knitted one at World Market (a rip off of the $300+ ones from Urban Outfitters) and sat on it in the store. It was hard as a rock! Would make an ottoman, but too low for most chairs. What's the appeal?! And what about these oversized upholstered leather ottomans? They are the size of my living room and they are on EVERY design blog. Um how can you eat dinner on a leather ottoman? THANK YOU for discussing this important "shit".


    P.S. I you are an Arrested Development fan, you may also think of Gob's references to Pouf magazine for magicians every time you happen upon the word...
